for children | puppet show

The meadow of magical beauty is home to some very special flowers: the values of friendship, the nobleness of the heart, the encouragement of a child’s creativity, and the trust in oneself.

The meadow of magical beauty is home to some very special flowers: the values of friendship, the nobleness of the heart, the encouragement of a child’s creativity, and the trust in oneself.

The performance Meadow of Magical Beauty combines acting and puppetry and is a kind and non-violent play. It speaks of gifts we all keep hidden deep inside, of our preciousness and inner beauty, and can be an encouragement for each and every child on his path towards adulthood, when many are faced with values that are not consistent with those that develop a creative an happy personality.

According to the authors, children, as well as their parents and teachers, need this kind of encouragement in their daily lives. It’s therefore important with give one another this encouragement and keep in mind that art can be a beautiful opportunity to remind us of these simple, yet truly important matters in life.

Suitable for children age 3 and up. Runtime: 35 minutes.

Theatre Lalanit

  • Screenplay, dramaturgy, songs and music: Romana Ercegović
  • Directors: Iuna Ornik, Romana Ercegović
  • Cast: Iuna Ornik, Silvia Viviani
  • Producer: Children’s Theatre Potujoča hišica, co-producers: City Theatre Ptuj



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